Wayne's Comic Closet 

Wayne Anselme
  8931 Tweedbrook DR
  Spring, TX 77379

Telephone: 832.721.6900  
 email me at:   wayne@waynescomics.com


Captain... Issues
page 02

"The original Marvel Comics version of Captain Marvel premiered in the Marvel Super-Heroes (Vol. 1) anthology in the mid-1960s, and Captain Marvel received his own title a few years later. He was an officer in the army of the warlike Kree Race who turned against his homeworld to become a defender of both Earth and the rest of the cosmos. After countless galaxy-spanning adventures, he was brought down by the most down-to-earth evils: cancer. The new Captain Marvel who stars in this 1995–1996 series is the son of the original hero and returns to restore justice to the galaxy.

Unlike other older characters who receive makeovers from comic creators, Captain Marvel seems to have avoided the trend toward grim ’n’ grittiness. He cracks jokes and wears funny sayings on his clothes such as "Kiss Me, I’m Kree." He also has a revamped costume and wears his hair long." - ComicBase™ 7.0.

Capt Marvel #1
1st Series
(VG) $74.00

Purchase Request

Capt Marvel #1 (v.2#2)
3rd Series
(NM) $38.00

Purchase Request

Capt Marvel #1
4th Series
(NM) $14.00

Purchase Request

Capt Marvel
Start Here Sample #1
(NM) $4.00

Purchase Request

Capt Marvel #1
Giant Size
(FN) $12.00

Purchase Request

Capt Marvel, Life of #1
(NM-) $11.00

Purchase Request

Capt Marvel, Life of #2
(NM) $16.00

Purchase Request


Captain Nauticus
a/t Ocean Force #1/LE
(NM) $8.00

Purchase Request


Captain Planet
a/t Planeteers #1
(VF-) $24.00

Purchase Request

Captain Planet
a/t Planeteers #2
(VF/NM) $8.00

Purchase Request

Captain Planet
a/t Planeteers #2
(VF) $4.00

Purchase Request


Captain Power a/t Soldiers o/t Future #1
(VF+) $4.00

Purchase Request


Captain Satan #1
(NM) $19.00

Purchase Request


Captain Sternn:
Running out of Time  #1
(NM) $18.00

Purchase Request


Captain Universe/
Invisible Woman #1
(NM-) $5.00

Purchase Request

Captain Universe/
X23 #1
(VF) $4.00

Purchase Request


Captain Victory #1
(VF/NM) $13.00

Purchase Request

Captain Victory #1
(VF+) $9.00

Purchase Request

Captain Victory #2
(VF/NM) $7.00

Purchase Request

Captain Victory #3
(NM) $26.00

Purchase Request

Captain Victory #4
(VF+) $6.00

Purchase Request

Captain Victory #5
(NM) $20.00

Purchase Request

Captain Victory #6
(VF+) $7.00

Purchase Request

Captain Victory #7
(VF) $5.00

Purchase Request

Captain Victory #8
(NM) $15.00

Purchase Request

Captain Victory #9
(NM) $15.00

Purchase Request

Captain Victory #10
(VF+) $7.00

Purchase Request

Captain Victory #11
(VF) $10.00

Purchase Request

Captain Victory
Spec. Ed. #1
(VF) $4.00

Purchase Request


Home Up Comics Ca pg2 Camelot Capt America Capt Atom pg1 Capt (others) Catwoman Cavewoman Comics Ch Checkmate Comics Ci Comics Cl Claw Cloak & Dagger Comics Co Comics Co pg2 Comics Co pg 3 Comics Co Pg4 Conan Coyote Comics Cr Comics Cr pg2 Comics Cy Crisis on IE Comics Cy pg2

Last Updated: 09/18/2024 03:14:12 PM 

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