Wayne's Comic Closet 

Wayne Anselme
  8931 Tweedbrook DR
  Spring, TX 77379

Telephone: 832.721.6900  
 email me at:   wayne@waynescomics.com



I have done away with using a "shopping cart" to having you make an "email request" or call me. If I don't answer leave a message and I will call you back. This process requires more personal interaction which I am hoping for a personalized outcome.


I offer a variety of non-sports trading cards, comic books, magazines, and related toys. The store is separated into these categories:

bulletComics listed alphabetically 
bulletMagazines listed alphabetically
bulletToys - listed by series

I ship everywhere (with choices of delivery services) and take care to see that your packages arrive intact.

I have 3 websites Comics (www.waynescomics.com), Trading Cards (www.waynescomics.com/waynescards) and Anime Figures (www.waynesanime.com) you can navigate and purchase from any page and it will save items in the same cart.

I started the business in 2002. Check me out on the BBB, I have a good reputation and you can be assured of a safe purchase. I hope you find what you want.


Returning Customers will receive a 20% discount on all merchandise.


I have added these indicators and after the price showing the direction of the price since the last pricing. and for two periods in a row. and for three periods in a row. Any time the direction changes it will reset and any more than three periods it is pretty much going in that direction...

 I look forward to your business.


 We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and AMEX
on Phone Orders and Email Orders

or Pay me securely with any major credit card through PayPal online.
Solution Graphics
And Select from these carriers



Mailing address: Electronic mail address:

Wayne Anselme
8931 Tweedbrook DR
Spring, TX 77
(home address)

Sales Information


(Leave a message an I will return your call)

Feedback on Website:


Hours of Operation:

Monday thru Friday
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM CT

No Regular hours


All other images, titles, characters, character names, slogans, logos, and related indicia are ™ and © and ® by their respective creators. Images shown within this site are for the convenience of describing the items.

Comics Magazines Poster Art Supplies General Info etc

Last Updated: 12/10/2024 14:18:48



 We accept PayPal,  Visa, Mastercard, Discover, AMEX, Checks (US) and Money Orders on
Phone Orders and Email Orders