Wayne's Comic Closet 

Wayne Anselme
  8931 Tweedbrook DR
  Spring, TX 77379

Telephone: 832.721.6900  
 email me at:   wayne@waynescomics.com


Cavewoman ... Issues

"Cavewoman: Rain A comic that is much better than it might appear at first glance, Cavewoman seems at times part Wonder Woman, part Jurassic Park, and part Night of the Living Dead.

As this second series begins, the town of Marshville has been transported back in time to the age of the dinosaurs. Meriem Cooper (a.k.a. Cavewoman) had been transported back to this age when she was a young girl by her grandfather, using a time machine he invented. The idea was to let her escape her abusive mother, but when her grandfather died, she was stuck in the prehistoric era for years. When she was nineteen, however, the entire town of Marshville was transported back to join her. Unfortunately, the townspeople are not nearly as adept at survival in the wilds of prehistory as Meriem, and find themselves being picked off, one-by-one, by packs of roving dinosaurs. Luckily, the problem isn’t too bad in the heat of summer…but the rainy season is just about to begin." - ComicBase™ 7.0.

(VF) $111.00

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 Cover Gallery  
COA Foil Lettering
(NM) $18.00

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 Missing Link
(VF) $2.00

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 Odyssey #1
 (NM) $28.00

Purchase Request

 Rain #1
(NM) $64.00

Purchase Request

 Rain #5
(NM) $54.00

Purchase Request

 Rain #5
(FN/VF) $7.00

Purchase Request

 Raptor #2 
(NM-) $18.00

Purchase Request 

 The Movie 
 (VF/NM) $8.00

Purchase Request


Home Up Comics Ca pg2 Camelot Capt America Capt Atom pg1 Capt (others) Catwoman Cavewoman Comics Ch Checkmate Comics Ci Comics Cl Claw Cloak & Dagger Comics Co Comics Co pg2 Comics Co pg 3 Comics Co Pg4 Conan Coyote Comics Cr Comics Cr pg2 Comics Cy Crisis on IE Comics Cy pg2

Last Updated: 09/19/2024 11:51:57 AM 

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