Wayne's Comic Closet 

Wayne Anselme
  8931 Tweedbrook DR
  Spring, TX 77379

Telephone: 832.721.6900  
 email me at:   wayne@waynescomics.com


"Y" Issues

"Young Heroes in Love is the story of what happens when seven somewhat goofy people find themselves with super-powers and decide to form a club. As group leader Hard Drive put it, "We want to help, but we’re afraid to do it alone." While altruism may be the order of the day, some members are definitely looking forward to the chance to meet cute members of the opposite sex.
The group consists of ditsy exotherm Bonfire; muscular, but simple-minded Thunderhead; shapeshifter Monstergirl; dimension-hopping Off-Ramp; the very tiny man called Junior; ice-powered Frostbite; and leader Hard Drive, a super-strong flier with hypnotic powers. Written by Dan Raspler, this fun-filled series soon gained a loyal following."  - ComicBase™ 7.0.

"The new team Youngblood, now adding members Doc Rocket, Suprema, Twilight, and Big Brother, is called on to stop a strange being, brought over from another dimension by a government experiment. The being is an incorporeal, malevolent alien that inhabits humans as host bodies. It transmits itself by touch, and prefers to kill its old host body when transferring to a new one. It was bad enough when it took over the body of a guard to escape its confinement, but once Youngblood encountered it, it inhabited first Twilight, then traded in for the most powerful body of all, Suprema!"  - ComicBase™ 7.0.

Yenny #1a 
(NM) $96.00

Purchase Request

Yenny #2 
(VF) $7.00

Purchase Request

Yogi Bear Birthday Party
 (Four Color #1271)

Yogi Bear #1
(VF+)  $2.00

Purchase Request

Yogi Bear #1
(VF+)  $24.00

Purchase Request

Yogi Bear #1
(FN+)  $9.00

Purchase Request

Yogi Bear #2
(VF+)  $130.00

Purchase Request

Young All-Stars
Young Avengers

Youngblood  #0
Vol. 1
(VF) $1.00

Purchase Request

Youngblood  #1
Vol. 1
(VF+) $4.00

Purchase Request

Youngblood  #1
Vol. 1
(VF) $3.00

Purchase Request

Youngblood  #1
Vol. 1
(FN/VF) $2.00

Purchase Request

Youngblood  #2a
Green Logo
Vol. 1
(NM) $15.00

Purchase Request

Youngblood  #2
Red Logo
Vol. 1
(VF+) $4.00

Purchase Request

Youngblood  #2
Red Logo
Vol. 1
(VF) $3.00

Purchase Request

Youngblood  #3
Vol. 1
(NM) $7.00

Purchase Request

Youngblood  #3
Vol. 1
(VF/NM) $3.00

Purchase Request

Youngblood  #3
Vol. 1
(VF) $2.00

Purchase Request

Youngblood  #4
Vol. 1
(NM) $6.00

Purchase Request

Youngblood  #4
Vol. 1
(VF/NM) $3.00

Purchase Request

Collector's Set
includes #1 thru #4
Vol. 1
(NM) $120.00
 Purchase Request

Yearbook #1
Vol. 1 
(NM) $7.00

Purchase Request

Yearbook #1
Vol. 1 
(VF+) $2.00

Purchase Request

Youngblood #1
 Vol. 2
(VF+) $3.00

Purchase Request

Youngblood #1G
 Vol. 3
(NM) $7.00

Purchase Request

Battlezone #1
(VF+) $2.00

Purchase Request

Battlezone #2
(VF/NM) $3.00

Purchase Request

Imperial #1
(NM) $15.00

Purchase Request

Imperial #1
(VF+) $4.00

Purchase Request

Imperial #1a
(NM) $12.00

Purchase Request

Strikefile #1 
(VF) $1.00

Purchase Request

Strikefile #2 
(VF) $2.00

Purchase Request

Strikefile #9 
(NM) $9.00

Purchase Request

Strikefile #10 
(FN/VF) $1.00

Purchase Request

Youngbrother #1
(VF) $2.00

Purchase Request

Young Heroes in Love #4 
(VF/NM) $4.00

Purchase Request


Young Heroes in Love #5 
(VF+) $3.00

Purchase Request

Young Zen: City of Death #1
(NM) $9.00

Purchase Request

Young Zen Intergalactic Ninja #1
w/trading card 
(VF+) $5.00

Purchase Request

Yuggoth Cultures and Growths (Alan Moore's..) #1
(NM) $16.00

Purchase Request

Yuggoth Cultures and Growths (Alan Moore's..)  #1
(VF/NM) $7.00

Purchase Request

Yuggoth Cultures and Growths (Alan Moore's..)  #1A Wrap Cover
(NM) $14.00

Purchase Request

Yuggoth Cultures and Growths (Alan Moore's..)  #1A Wrap Cover
(VF/NM) $6.00

Purchase Request

Yuggoth Cultures and Growths (Alan Moore's..)  #1B Platinum Foil w/COA
(NM) $48.00

Purchase Request

Yuggoth Cultures and Growths (Alan Moore's..)  #1B Platinum Foil w/COA
(VF/NM) $19.00

Purchase Request

Yuppies from Hell #1
(NM) $13.00

Purchase Request


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Last Updated: 08/08/2024 02:09:43 PM

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