Star Trek (Second Series) This series began with an adaptation of the
Star Trek movie which helped revive the
enterprise after years of syndicated reruns.
After the Starship U.S.S. Enterprise, commanded
by Captain James T. Kirk, completed its historic five-year mission exploring the
galaxy, the ship received a full systems and structural overhaul. Most of her
crew stayed on with notable exceptions. McCoy retired and returned home to be an
"old country doctor." Spock returned to Vulcan and began the Ritual of Kohlinar
that would eventually purge his remaining human emotions. Kirk was promoted to
admiral and foolishly accepted a desk-bound assignment. Two-and-a-half years
later, an immensely powerful alien probe traveling towards Earth and cleaving a
wide path of destruction reunites the entire crew of the Enterprise. As a movie
adaptation, this book does not deviate from the screenplay—which was widely
panned as lacking the best qualities of the show. - ComicBase™ 7.0.