Wayne's Comic Closet 

Wayne Anselme
  8931 Tweedbrook DR
  Spring, TX 77379

Telephone: 832.721.6900  
 email me at:   wayne@waynescomics.com


The Path

This Crossgen title is set in a place very much like feudal Japan—the island nation of Nayado, which is defended by a devoted army of honorable samurai warriors. But as the Emperor Mitsumune descends into insanity and threatens to destroy Nayado from within, the monk Obo-san steps up to take down his boyhood friend and risks both his honor and his soul. Following on the heels of successes like Ruse and Sojourn, Crossgen continues to tell great stories in a variety of genres.  - ComicBase™ 7.0.

(NM) $14.00
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(VF+) $4.00
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(NM) $9.00

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(VF+) $3.00

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(NM) $10.00

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(VF+) $3.00

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(NM) $9.00

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(NM) $10.00

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(VF) $2.00

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(VF+) $3.00

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(VF) $2.00

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(VF+) $3.00

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(NM) $10.00

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(VF/NM) $4.00

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(VF) $2.00

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(NM) $10.00

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(VF/NM) $4.00

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Prequel #1
(VF/NM) $3.00

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Prequel #1
(VF+) $2.00

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Last Updated: 06/21/2024 03:17:29 PM 

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